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Building Strong Leadership Cultures and Outstanding Leaders in Companies Driven by Creativity and Innovation


Leadership is my passion. In my 35 years of leadership in companies whose success is anchored in creativity and innovation, I have developed strong views on what matters most: creating environments where risk-taking is encouraged; listening deeply; practicing patience and humanity; empowering people by giving them space; and understanding that failure is an inevitable stop on the path to success.  


Society is looking to corporate leaders like you to expand the scope of your responsibility. The very purpose of the corporation is shifting from maximizing shareholder value to promoting an economy that serves multiple constituencies, including employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, and the community. I believe that such a tectonic shift requires you to be braver, more astute, and more enlightened than ever before. 


As a leader and an enthusiastic observer of business and of leadership, I believe that companies must focus on two critical areas: creating an ecosystem that promotes a robust, consistent, and aligned leadership culture (in other words, carefully connecting all the dots that define their approach to leadership) and ensuring the development of all individual leaders to their fullest potential. 


Companies that seize this moment will be able to leverage great leadership as a competitive advantage in new and powerful ways and will generate outstanding creativity and innovation.


Senior Leadership Advisory

In today’s environment, you must constantly assess the leadership practices in your company  to be sure they are keeping pace and are optimized for creativity and  innovation. I will partner with you through an advisory practice focused on addressing concerns before they escalate and maximizing opportunities as they happen. As a leader, I have come to recognize the power and comfort of having an objective yet experienced partner to help maneuver uncharted waters.


Personal Leadership Coaching

Senior leaders can learn best from those who have also been in the leadership trenches. Leaders like you can’t wait for the perfect answer. So I utilize my decades of experience leading creative organizations to offer you a practical approach to coaching. In that way, you can be the best, most dynamic leader you can be while satisfying the real-time requirements of your daily challenges.


Meet Paul Donaher


With a career spanning more than three decades in organizations driven by creativity and innovation, Paul brings his knowledge, experience, and wisdom to bear on behalf of creating better leaders and better companies.

"Working closely with Paul, I most admired his passion for doing the right thing. He’s a very fair leader who values honesty and respect. He holds both himself and those around him to the highest standards, and strikes a nice balance between toughness and kindness."


~ Tor Myhren  |  Apple VP Marketing Communications ~

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